Betsy and Flo- Adopted

Bailey Blenheim Cavalier King Charles Spaniel age 4
Bailey- Adopted
4 November 2019
Olly Tricolour Cavalier King Charles Spaniel age 8 years
Olly- Adopted
12 October 2019
Flo and Betsy Cocker Spaniels



Sex Female
Age 3 and 6 Years
Background Pet home
Location Horncastle, Lincolnshire

About Betsy and Flo

Betsy and Flo are two lovely Cocker Spaniels that came into rescue from the same breeding establishment are best friends.

In the time they have been in rescue have made huge strides in confidence, they are beautiful girls both in looks and nature. Betsy being the more adventurous of the two reassures Flo when out and about. They both love coming up for fuss and will stand still whilst they are groomed. They will take treats from your hand.

Betsy is a beautiful chocolate roan and is 3 years old. Household noises do not faze her. She plays with toys, Flo and foster mum's dogs. Her vaccinations are complete, she has had a dental and is neutered. She walks nicely on the lead and is pretty confident in most situations once she's got used to things.

Flo is a lovely sable colour, and all that has been said about Betsy applies to her too. She is slightly more nervous but will now come for strokes without Betsy. She and Betsy will have short races around the garden. They allow you to groom them. They both sleep in the kitchen at night with my dogs without any noise and are very good girls.

The girls are in good health. They have gradually become more confident on visits the vets, they no longer freeze. They have made huge steps forwards, they are now walked daily and are becoming more and more confident. They will reward their new owner's patience with so much love and affection. Because of their nervousness it would be better not to rehome them with young children. Betsy and Flo are beautiful girls who are so rewarding to work with.

Please read our adoption procedure prior to filling in the online form. We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have.